Funny how it always seems to work this way...
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Miraculous transformation
Check out the transformation of this sweet little puppy! You won't believe its the same pup!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
My master plan
My best friend and I used to do everything together, well we tried. Our favorite thing to do was have GNI (Girls Night In). Depending on the amount of time we had to prepare for GNI we'd either have homemade or store-bought goodies, a movie on the tv (good background noise), our phones in hand (had to keep up with social media, but this made it more fun because we were doing it together), bottle(s) of wine ( the number depended on how our week was ),and the best ongoing conversation ever!
Last yr, right after Christmas, my family and I moved from Lubbock, TX to the Houston, TX area and this really put a damper on GNI.
I was brainstorming (either really good things or really amazing things come from my brainstorms) and it struck me...
This 8 hours apart business just isn't working!
My husband's company doesn't have an office or jobs available in the Lubbock area, but my besties's husband's job has offices and jobs available in my area!
She has to move!
We usually were really good at divising plans and then presenting them to our husbands (never a powerpoint presentation or anything) but really skillful verbal presentations! I know, since finding a job or transferring is a possibility the only thing keeping us back was funding.
My bestie and I were messaging each other about events of our day and spur of the moment I tell her "I have a plan...once I get it together I will post it on facebook and tag you!"
She got the usual notification and she discovered this:
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
When my kids are quiet...
- Listen to music
- Watch TV
- Play mind-stretching games (scrabble,chess, cards)
- Exercise
- Read
- Crochet or knit
- Browse the web
- Write poetry
- Clean/Re-arrange their room/furniture
- Play games
You won't believe what I found at Walgreen's!
Unlike CVS, Walgreens has decided so far to keep selling tobacco products.
Walgreen doesn’t seem to think retailers are to blame for Americans wanting to continue to smoke.
That may very well be. I mean just because it's on sale doesn't mean you HAVE to buy it it right? I can kind of understand where they're coming from with this. But to me, it sounds like they want to sell tobacco products even more now since there is a huge competitor out of the way. Maybe now, when you're on your way to get a flu shot you will choose Walgreens instead because you can pick up your favorite pack of cigars or cigarettes while you're there. One-stop-shopping is what it's all about, right?
I really thought this was a pretty good marketing stance until I was actually in a walgreens headed to the pharmacy for my flu shot. I was almost to the back of the store which is the designated area and I ran into the craziest flu shot display ever!
Now, this isn't exactly what I had in mind when I heard their commercial on the radio. Seems like to me walgreens is headed in a totally new direction!! Now I can get cigarettes and a "flu" shot or two, or three? I didn't even continue to the pharmacy. The pharmacist was probably behind the counter resembling Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail!
Regardless, I'm a non-smoker, without a flu shot, headed to another pharmacy!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Adult Advent Calendars!
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Adult/Wine Advent Calendar! |
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Switch Witch
One of my friends posted that her kids are going to keep some of their Halloween candy this year, but most of their candy is going to the Switch Witch. Even though some might say my secondary form of transportation is a broom, I've never heard of this Switch Witch. I asked her exactly what she was talking about, and then she sent this cute little poem! That's not all! There's also a book and an actual Switch Witch that you can buy! ( ) Not a bad idea! I'm SURE dentists everywhere LOVE this idea as much as I do! #Had2Share
Behind the scenes of Multi-tasking pros!
"Grab a towel!!! Your handle is showing!!!"Multi-tasking is a must! Some are more successful than others. We all have that one friend that handles muti-tasking aka juggling the balls of life like the veteran clown of a circus. The most reasonable explanation is they must have discovered a top secret website that they will never reveal, or better yet some form of super heroic powers. This is one of those "grass is greener" scenarios. We think our friends always have better, faster, top secret solutions that we just simply can't be capable of coming up with ourselves. But in reality, what if they really don't have a extraordinary way of handling things? What if they are struggling just like you to find the next best solution?
Saturday, October 25, 2014
My best friend's back....
I have the usual hectic schedule of a mom. School, appointments, homework, and chores seem to fill my schedule daily. A great day heavily depends on:
- Whether we got to bed on time the previous night.
- If we not only woke up, but got up before hitting the snooze button more than 3 times.
- If the kids got to school on time (without me having to sign kids in)
- Whether or not I get to take a shower and nap during the day.
My Best Friend, Amy was traveling to her sisters' house (3 hours away from me) for a birthday party. As a last minute decision she decided to travel an extra 3 hours to come and spend the night at my house and then go to her sisters' house the next afternoon. Seriously, this was a much needed, appreciated visit. She brought her kids (that happen to get along really well with mine) and we all picked right up where we left off. It was as if almost a year was only a few hours that we'd seen each other. We had the absolute best time. She brought be and my family all of our favorites from Lubbock. The kids finally passed out one at a time - and then we sat up drinking wine, pretending to watch a movie but really just talked and talked until 4am. I am so blessed to be able to have the best friend that I do.
What's the best/sweetest thing your BFF has done for you?
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Guilty by Association - Misconduct & Etiquette Rocks |